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Meet Anna

Anna Goodale

Maman BohèmCreative Director

Anna grew up “non-traditionally” on a farm being homeschooled. From an early age she was a talented artist and avid outdoors person.  She was raised to follow her passions and listen to her truth. Life presented her with new challenges – foremost the chance to participate in a sport that would ultimately lead to Olympic Gold.

Upon retiring from rowing in 2010, Anna traveled the world in search or her next great love. From New Zealand to Ecuador she explored; and then, on a rafting trip down the Snake River, she met Wes.  Like a good fairly-tale, their love was instant and without question. Within months they embarked on the journey of parenthood and have been truly blessed to be witness to the amazing spirit of their son Avery.

“I’ve always known that being a mother was going to be a big part of my life. But what I didn’t know, or expect, was how much I would loose myself in the process. “

Being a parent has given Anna deep appreciations for mothers everywhere. “To me, Maman Bohèmis about providing mothers with products and inspiration that promote their own sense of self and beauty–supporting mothers to fully give to their families, while maintaining their own beautiful truth and style”.

Anna hopes to raise her children free to develop who they are, with their own pure and wild ideas, truths, and dreams. She believes that every child has their own organic spirit and true gifts, and that our role as a parent is to foster a sense of security to allow them to gain the confidence to succeed in the world and stay true to themselves.

With a degree in illustration and an artistic heritage, Anna looks at the world through color, composition and texture. She is always out to create easy, beautiful designs that inspire a deep comfort and peace. Anna values simplicity, love and kindness. She believes that smiles, good food and being outdoors can cure and above all that the most important time in your life is right now.

“I believe that the happier the moms are of this world are, the happier and healthier the children will be. Happy children grow up to be the next generation.  In turn, by helping moms feel beautiful and happy, the world changes”.

With a bohemian heart she lives each day one step at a time, always looking for ways to find and share peace, love and joy.


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