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The Secret of the Kegel: Our Lips are Sealed



A Girl’s Best Friend

Since developed in the 1950’s by UCLA surgeon Arnold Kegle, the Kegel (say “Kay-gul”) has made a household name for itself. A Kegel is a purposeful contraction of the muscles around the vagina and anus, which helps keep them strong and elastic. Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the perineum and pelvic floor. These exercises are integral to a woman’s health before, during, and after pregnancy. Some women can find it hard to isolate the exact location of the exercise. Experts suggest the easiest way to learn this action is to isolate the muscles and interrupt the flow of urine. The muscles may feel weak at first, but if you repeat this action every time you go the bathroom, your muscles will tone right up and you will come to know exactly what the Kegel muscles are. Once the muscles have been identified and you can properly perform the action, you can take the Kegel on the road.

The Kegel is a lady’s best friend, and she will never tell your little secret. The superb part about this activity is that no one will ever know you are doing it. Kegels can be done while driving, washing dishes, walking with your girlfriends–the possibilities are endless. You can do them at every red light, while in line at the grocery store, sitting at the computer, or when the phone rings. Our advice is to pick a routine and stick with it.

There are a few helpful hints to guarantee Kegel success. It is ideal to empty your bladder before doing your pelvic floor exercises. Contract the pelvic floor muscles for 15-20 seconds, and repeat 10 times. Just like in yoga, you want to take your breath with you on your journey through the practice. Remember to breathe deeply and be present as you feel the muscles tighten and release, either quickly or slowly.  A helpful asana to practice with your Kegel is Tadasana (mountain pose). Stand tall and grounded while you breathe, and contract your pelvic floor. Try not to move your legs, buttock, or abdominal muscles during the exercises to get the maximum benefit. Kegels will improve your sex life, help your pregnancy (they even keep hemorrhoids at bay!), give you strength and control during labor, and help you recover post-partum.

Shhh…we won’t tell anyone. Happy Kegeling!

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