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Flying High


I’ve just returned from a trip to CA with my 1.5 year old and wanted to share a few things that made the trip.

We’ve all heard horror stories of kids on airplanes, we’ve all probably been on a plane (pre or post baby) where there was a kiddo who was very unhappy and letting everyone know it.  In the first year of Avy’s life we went on 4 trips for a total of 16 flights. I do believe that I’ve been blessed with a very patient, sweet baby boy but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t worried that my sweet boy would turn into that baby.

In our flights together I’ve figured out a few things that I, now, would not leave for an airport without:


My Sling:  This is a key to being comfortable (for both baby and mom). I love that Avy feels completely safe when he is snuggled close. No matter where we are in the world, when he can feel my heart he feels safe. Plus it gives me two free hands – which is key to schlepping luggage, read a book or actually get food to my mouth. The other thing that the sling allows is for my sweet baby to sleep comfortably on the plane – which helps everyone.

Snacks, Lot’s of ‘em:  Now that Avy is a food eating, adventure seeking, toddler we bring snacks everywhere we go. The plane is no different, in fact I’d say that its much more important. “Popping your ears” is a practiced art that takes years to master but swallowing is natural and easy. I’ve always tried to time plane rides around naps and snacks (or nursing).  Feeding on the way up and the way down (especially the way down) is key to keeping your bohemian baby happy and ear ache free.


Papa or Om’Ma: This is an incredible luxury, one not to be taken for granted. To fly with another adult gives you more space, more hands, more entertainment, more time and more room in your bags. Enough said.


Scarf: This is my go to, don’t leave the house without, one accessory that (even before baby) I love.  Now, with a baby attached to my hip, it has become even more of an essential. My mom brought a light cotton scarf back from Paris and I have not gone anywhere without it since. It is a cover up (from nursing to food on your shirt, we all know it happens) that is light enough to see out of but not sheer enough to see in.  It’s a blanket, a flash of color, a tent and a makes me feel beautiful (and it doesn’t look like a baby product).

Just Listen: The last thing that I can say is to listen. Our babies are great communicators – no matter what age. If we slow down enough to listen to what they want/need, even in the middle of the airport, everyone ends up happy (including all of the other passengers;)

With love,



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