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Maman Bohème  is a nurturing, mother-baby product line that views “motherchildhood” as a natural, loving, and magical time. Through our products, mothers can maintain their feminine and elegant integrity while making healthy choices for themselves and their families.

Becoming a mother is a beautiful but intimidating right of passage. Often mothers are culturally forced into using products that compromise their own sense of style and sense of self, products which at the same time offer minimal or no benefit to the child or family. This identity crisis in the mother breeds even more insecurity in the infant and in the family. Maman Boheme hopes to maintain and even augment a sense of beauty, confidence, and health in the mother through our products by fostering the natural connection with her child.

Our business intends to empower women all over the globe, by sourcing materials from emerging women entrepreneurs in developing markets, as well as making our products in the USA and hiring refugee women as seamstresses.  We plan on helping women set up their own businesses in order to work with our company, so they can having a living, sustainable income for their own families.


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